Friday, December 9, 2011


Dear my wonderful classmates,

This composition class was really helpful because it made me write a lot, more than other class I have ever had. The load of works makes me feel tired and cannot accomplish all tasks. However, I feel more confident when I have to write in English. Furthermore, I learn clearly how to write different kind of essay and APA style. Thank to our great teacher Sean!
Nevertheless I really appreciate the time we were spending together in this class. It was my pleasure to meet each of you. Believe or not I was crying when I read your last journals. That forced me to write my last journal even I know the due day was passed. It is never late to say thank you. Thank you all, and I will miss you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Anticipating Your Parents' Objections

Dear Mom,

I have always appreciated the way you treat me, take care of me. You wanted me to move to the U.S and live with my sister. I understand by living with my sister, I have somebody take care of me. Furthermore, living cost will be less expensive. However, it does not help me at all in learning English which is my important job that I need to accomplish. Indeed, we are living in the core of vietnamse community. I can go out, buy everything without speaking any english word.  I become rely on my sister because she is willing to do everything for me so my job is to go to school, study everyday. Therefore, I do not have more chance to practice English neither learn to be self-reliance.

Your daughter.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Summarize/Paraphrase Practice

Karen Kaplan (2011, November 16). Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 16, 2011, from
The U.S goverment should consider banning smoking in the car. Two major reasons stated in the article are the second-hand smoking and the driving safety. For instance, Kaplan (2011) stated the major reason is to avoid the danger of intensely concentrated secondhand smoke in the car. In fact, she gave some data to diccuss the risk of secondhand smoke (par.5). In addtion, she argued that smoking while driving is not safety since the driver could lost their attention (par.6). The author also acknowledged that the doctors in the BMA report prefer to focus on the distracted driver as a main reason to ban smoking in the car rather than the secondhand smoke.

Analyzing an argument

Trashing the Grand Canyon. Los Amgeles Times. Retrieved November 14, 2011, from
In this article, the author claimed that the money given by some organizations to the national park might have the negative impact on the park policy. It is a claim of policy, which appeals to reason. The author mentionned the banish of selling water bottles in the Grand Cayon park can diminish the amount of the trash in the park since plastic bottles are a biggest single source of trash in the park. However, this solution might not be applied since the patron of this national park is afraid of loosing sponsering from Coca-cola. The evidence is come from the email leaking to NY Times. This email metionned that the Park patron will hold off the decision until getting sponsoring from Coca-cola. This is a weak evidence since the source of the email was not indentified; and the information cited was not justified. Therefore the evidence is not credible.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal 13: Second source

Epstein, Samuel; Fitzgerald, Randall (2010). Healthy Beauty : Your Guide to Ingredients to Avoid and Products You Can Trust. BenBella. Retrieved November 02, 2011, from Ebook Library.
The authors mentioned some ingredients containing in the Hair dyes products which can lead to cancer. They infer that there are many chemical products which are really toxic. Therefore, they offer some advice to prevent consumers from the risk cancer.
This book is useful because it is really related to my topic and can becom a good evidence to demonstrate my issue.
The book might be credible since it was written by the authors who have specific knowledge about chemical product and healthcare.  For example, Doctor Epstein is professor Emeritus  of Environmental and Occupational Medicine in University Illinois and achieve some  reward for is researches.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal 12: Annonated Bibliography

Sanjosé, S., Benavente, Y., & Nieters, A. (2006). Association between Personal Use of Hair Dyes and Lymphoid Neoplasms in Europe. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(1), 47-55. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwj187
Dr. Silvia de Sanjosé was working for Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain, in 2005. He was conducting a research to demonstrate that using dying hair product increase the risk of Lymphoid Neoplasms. The article is useful because Lymphoid Neoplasms is an abnormal mass of tissue which can lead to a cancer. Since the result is related to my topic, I can use this topic to argue whether or not dying hair damage human health.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The best advice in my life was from my mother when I was an adolescent. At the age of the adolescence, kids begin to change physically and mentally. They tend to listen to their friends rather than to their parents. Therefore this is really difficult to the parent for keepping theim away from trouble. I used to be a bad teenager because I don't want to follow my parent's advice. I was always thinking that my parent did not understand my feeling and I became disobey. I hated someone tell me that I need do this, I should do that. One day after a moment talking to me, I continued avoiding all my mother's advice. She was really sad, she looked at in my eye and said: " I know you don't want to listen to me, you think mom was always wrong. You don't need to follow my advice now but just keep all that in mind because one day you will need it. Someday you will see that your mom was right. No one can give you a better advice than I do because no one can love you more than I do." That speech really woke me up. I was not following all advice but I was trying to not ruin anything because I don't want to upset my mom. Now, I grow up and realize mama was right.