Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The best advice in my life was from my mother when I was an adolescent. At the age of the adolescence, kids begin to change physically and mentally. They tend to listen to their friends rather than to their parents. Therefore this is really difficult to the parent for keepping theim away from trouble. I used to be a bad teenager because I don't want to follow my parent's advice. I was always thinking that my parent did not understand my feeling and I became disobey. I hated someone tell me that I need do this, I should do that. One day after a moment talking to me, I continued avoiding all my mother's advice. She was really sad, she looked at in my eye and said: " I know you don't want to listen to me, you think mom was always wrong. You don't need to follow my advice now but just keep all that in mind because one day you will need it. Someday you will see that your mom was right. No one can give you a better advice than I do because no one can love you more than I do." That speech really woke me up. I was not following all advice but I was trying to not ruin anything because I don't want to upset my mom. Now, I grow up and realize mama was right.


  1. Our mothers is always the best advisers!!!

  2. ... We love our mothers too, so, If we advise them, will they listen and follow? Probably not ! Why?
    Now, I compare one advice I gave to my friend with one my mom did, in the same time, the same situation... my mother's was better than mine.
    Obviously, they have more experience than we do.
