Monday, September 19, 2011

Journal 7: Birds of a feather

Going along with the life, people have chance to meet each other. When they go to school or work, they have classmates, teachers, roommates or colleagues. Also there are people who you come across on the ways or on the buses. However having a real friend who you can share everything in life with is not easy because sometime people establish a relationship on purpose, the nonprofit relationship becomes more difficult to obtain. Since then, I feel very lucky when among people I have met, I can finally find out one who is best friend ever. Some say that your best friend should have the same characters as yours so you can easily understand each other. However, when they see my friend and I, they can figure out that we are really different in term of the physical features, characters and also the view of life but we are still friend for more than ten years.
First of all, our looking is totally different. Actually she is smaller, much thinner than me. Therefore people always compare us like a number 10 when we walk together. She is really pretty and shining where ever she comes. Moreover, she has a good style. She knows how to dress perfectly since she is a stylist designer. Meanwhile, I have a really bad taste so sometime she has to help me choose new clothing when we go shopping together.  
Second, her characters are really different from mine. For instance, while she is an open person, I am really reserved. Indeed, she is talkative. Unlike me, she can make new friends easily and they enjoy the conversation with her, but I usually cannot talk freely with new people. Though she is very gentle and soft, I rarely does. For example, I barely see her be angry. She has a perfect self-control. Her voice is tender and extremely convincing. Therefore at the most of the time, she is only one person who can calm me down since I can never hire my angry. I am too straightforward that makes me get into trouble sometime. 
Finally, because she is a kind of romantic person, therefore she always has troubles of love, while I am realistic enough to help her get out of that. Therefore we can greatly compensate each other. Furthermore, we have different opinions about most of aspects in life. For example, she thinks getting a job that she really likes is extremely important while I say money is the most important.
All in all, we never understand why we can keep our relationship for the whole time when we are diffenrent in every aspects. However I really appreciate this friendship. Even now we have our own lives and our own concern, we can not help each other but we know we can mentally support each other. 


  1. Having a close friend that is very different from you is really happy and helpful because you and your friend can not only share the feelings but also help each other in some difficulties. Your friend can help you approach new people and make friend with them while you can help your friend overcome her bad mood. Having a best friend is luckiness.

  2. In the first paragraph, I agree with you!

  3. Sometimes, maybe the best way to get along with a friend is both of you compensate each other and some implicit recognition between you.

  4. sometimes, I also have friends who have different personalities with me. but we make really good friendship..^^ I think personalities are not really important. ^^

  5. It sounds like you complement each other very well: her level-headed temper and your realistic attitude towards romance.

  6. Personalities with me are not important, I always try to meet different personalities friends.
